Thursday, 30 January 2014

Reflections - My Idea (so far)

A story fuelled by karma, revenge, regret, and sorrow. A young woman betrays her partner and then brutally murders him out of sheer fear. She convinces herself he is gone forever, but reflecting back on everything she has done she is rather unsure about the massacre.

The film starts with a black background, and some white text fades in slowly. it will be a quote that reads:

If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?

The text then slowly fades out, and the film will start.

I've made a song to accompany the clips, the song will narrate what the female is going through, elaborating on her thoughts and her emotions. The song will play throughout the film, but half-way through it will stop and take a break, and then continue.

Picture a female, latest in her mid-20's, in presumably her bedroom at her desk. She's looking in the mirror, sharply, not blinking, deeply into her own eyes. On the desk are objects, that when she touches them, they trigger some sort of memory. Her hand slowly approaches an object and starts to hover over it, as soon as the she touches it in the slightest the memory triggers almost instantly, like a shock, as if adrenaline drowns out reality. The memory isn't pleasant, giving the audience vivid and short clips of the memory, not giving away what the memory is..

She then suddenly snaps back into reality, grabs the object with aggression and throws it at the mirror, smashing it, and then she runs outside.

Outside she runs as fast as she can, tears causing her mascara to run down her face, and she stumbles over near a lake. She hangs her head whilst crying, almost ashamed of what she did. She crawls towards the lake, dragging herself to the edge, and looks into the lake, seeing her reflection. Still crying, she sees a figure appear above her, her eyes widen, and another flashback memory occurs in the same fashion.

After the memory she turns around quickly and in a terrified manor to find nobody there. She then looks around to see if anyone is there, and then she looks down at the ground and sees a watch. She then has another flashback but this one is quick, showing someone wearing the watch. After she snaps back into reality she rushes onto her feet and runs into the nearby woods.

Shot of her running into the woods with a mysterious character's left middle part of their torso and arm coming into shot slowly, the arm/hand has blood on it that has been dried up.

The female, still running, stumbles a couple of times, running as fast as she can. Camera shots of trees passing quickly to show the audience how quick she is running; Like in an action scene. A lot of dynamic transactions to emphasize the speed she is running, with her heavy breathing because of stamina/terror blended into the shot. Here is an example: Woods Running

The sky darkens, which I'm hoping will give the video a scary feeling to it. Somehow I want to incorporate fire into the video, maybe a camp fire to keep warm as she is in the woods. She thinks she has out-run the scary figure. Until she sees a shadow of a man, getting bigger and bigger. I was thinking of having quick shots cutting back and forth from the shadow and her face/eyes fillng with terror.

he then wrestles her to the ground, and then there's a close up of both of their faces, on the mans face you can distinctively see the dried up blood that's surfaced on his dirty skin whilst her face will be portrayed as pure, clean, innocent. She's too scared to look at the man, who has both of her hands pinned down, almost motionless watching her squirm for freedom. Tears rolling down her face, begging for a saviour, whilst he is still just staring at her. (Note we cannot see his facial expressions yet).

She finally looks up and into the mans face, and instead of screaming (which I presume the audience will expect her to do), she will look terrified, speechless, in disbelief, her bottom lip starts to tremble, and more tears roll out of her eyes. The camera then cuts to the man, where you can see on the mans face that there are streaks of where the tears were. The man is not blinking, looking directly into her eyes, almost looking into her soul. He looks disappointed, betrayed and hurt.

The camera then turns back to the girl, still trebling with fear, still looking into his eyes as she doesn't dare to blink and give him the opportunity to hurt her. Her eyes are locked onto his, and with this connection, it triggers the ultimate memory.

The memory will be of the two characters, and how the woman betrayed the man. Before this drama occurred, the man and woman were an item, in love, together. I was thinking of producing a scene where the woman betrays the man by cheating on him, preferably with someone very close to the man.

The man could walk in on them, which will traumatise him. He then attacked the man who was in bed with his partner, and beat him to the pulp. These scenes are the snippets of memory the woman saw in the very beginning of the video, as she hovers over the objects, but now, the memories are clear, powerful, in detail.

In this memory, the woman then attacks her partner, with a lamp or something in that region, and smashes him over the head with it. He falls to the ground, bloody and defenceless. They both start attacking the man punching him and kicking him, basically trying to brutally kill him.

We can have a POV shot of the man getting beaten up, so it can show that by looking into her eyes it also triggered some sort of memory for him also. After they beat him to a pulp, they then wrap his body up in a black bag and carry it down to the lake (the same lake in one of the first opening scenes).

They throw the body in, and slowly watch the body sink. As soon as it sunk, the two people collapse in each others arms and turn their backs to the lake, they start to walk away, relieved. They keep on walking, and it looks like the video is about to end. With a shot of the lake, and the couple walking away, watching the lake ripples calm again, an arm emerges from the lake, bloody, shaking with revenge and hatred, and that's where the memory stops.

The video cuts back to the man and woman after they had the memory. The woman's lips read "I'm sorry", no sound coming from her, as she is powerless and vulnerable right now. The man's eyes go from forgiving to vengeance, tears still coming out of his eyes.
The camera slowly pans away from the couple, only showing the shadows that are caused by the fire. The shadows show us how he strangles the woman. She tries to escape, her shadow shows us how much she is trying to break free, but eventually she stops moving, and the man's head is hanging low, which could mean he is shameful or relieved that its all over, that's for the audience to decide.
Instead of the man strangling the woman, we can have shots where it looks like she is strangling herself, showing the audience that she did it herself, she brought it on herself, this is her fault and she should face the consequences. We can have shots cutting back and fourth from the 2 subjects, but the subject strangling the woman will change from the man to the woman, showing the audience what the woman can see, her facial expressions show us that she is confused and terrified.


Overall I have decided to go with 3 characters all together. I realised if I got carried away with characters then the story would of became too complex and the storyline wouldn't be as intense as it is. I want 2 main characters; the woman and her partner, and another man to play the cheater who is caught with the other man's wife. The woman will be dressed so she is portrayed as almost innocent and vulnerable. Giving the impression to the audience that she wouldn't do something like that. The man will be wearing dark clothing, giving the impression to the audience that the man is the problem in the story (until they see the ultimate flashback). The other man wouldn't be wearing much as the only time we will see him is when he is with the woman cheating on her partner, and when they attack him.
I have several locations in mind, and I am still indecisive with some of them. I will require a house of some sort situated near a field or the woods. This will connect the scene from the bedroom to the woods. I want to include a lot of shots that make the woman and the audience feel uneasy and perhaps uncomfortable, perhaps obscure lens'/different colours inflicted within the scene to portray her mood, her expressions, her words. I want to also incorporate a ball of string. On this ball of string will be a message of some sort, written in red lipstick; because it will be bold, thick and it will be very visible. There will be a shot of someone dropping the ball of string, when they drop it the message starts to unravel and disappear. I want to incorporate it with the female, as she slowly unravels and breaks down until she is merely a piece of string.


1 comment:

  1. This idea is over ambitious and a mainstream drama. There is nothing experimental about the form and you may not understand what we mean by the term since you don't engage with the course very often to find out.

    You haven't posted for weeks so it seems you are not engaged with research or development in your absence either. You need to make sure that you post at least 2 or 3 times a week.

    It is not clear what effort you made to contribute to the film projects that went into production. Please can you update me on what you propose to do about this and how the photography project is progressing. None of this is evident here.
